What is paradox ?

Gajal Upreti

The Paradox

What is paradox ?

Well, Paradox is such a statement that can be seen from multiple perspectives but none of that things really explains it perfectly making it a contradiction. You may first have a concept or visualization about the paradox statement but, later, when you think again or when you get to know the opinion of others, you may also relate to that thing but you and the person just cannot get to a decisive point.

Let's know some of the famous paradoxes !

The Ship of Theseus Paradox

Let's suppose that the first picture is the picture of Theseus ship. As it gets old, it is a must to be repaired. By the time, let us change the different parts of the ship for its maintenance. Then, after a long period of time, we all know that all the parts of the original ship are going to be replaced. This means there literally won't be a single part of the original Theseus. Let me bring a twist here, what if using all the parts that are removed from the ship, a new ship that looks identical to the previous ship. Now here the paradox rises. If all the parts of the ships are replaced with new ones. Which one would you call the original ship of Theseus? This statement has been a matter of discussion since 400-500 B.C.  Some say that the previous ship of which parts are replaced giving a reason that original object survives gradual changes maintaining its originality. But others say that the new ship formed using the removed parts is the original parts as all the parts of the original Theseus is here.

It actually has the solution which bring from a concept called Transitivity of Identity in which we can call the both ships as ship of Theseus.

Do you know the same thing also happens with your body? 

Actually the cells of our body also die and are removed from our body. This means our body replaces each and every cells in every 7-10 years of time. Know think for a minute. Are you the real you?😂

Omnipotence Paradox

This paradox question the power of the god. It sounds like this, If we tell god to make such a heavy stone that none can raise, would he be able to raise the stone? Of course he could because god can raise any thing no matter of its size, mass, or anything. But If he took the stone up the rule for the stone broke as the stone was believed to be raised by none. Here if god raise the stone his power of creation is questioned and if doesn't do so his omnipotence will be questioned.

The Russell's Paradox

This Paradox was formed by the British Philosopher and Mathematician Bertrand Russell when he had a question. The question was like this: Let us consider a set that contains elements that are not part of that set. This means all the items that are not listed in the sets are part of the set. Now if it contains some elements, would it be fair to enlist them because the only elements that are not enlisted in the set can be in the set. But if we don't enlist them in the set, wouldn't the rule automatically enlist them in the set? 

The Barber's Paradox

It is similar to Russell's Paradox that says, who would cut the hair of a barber who lives in a village where everybody is clean shaved and only he knows to cut hair but people do not cut hair by themselves?

Zeno's Paradox

Here let's say you have to travel from a point X to point Y of distance 1 km but there are infinite checkpoints. Think of a minute can't you easily travel that distance? Actually its not that easy because there are infinite checkpoints which means you will need check out from each checkpoint that obviously will take infinite time. Thus you will not get at the point B. 

Although, Mathematically, the distance is finite in this way ,


Let the 1 km distance be 'D'

As you infinite checkpoints to cover they can be illustrated like this,

1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 ....... 


        D=1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8.......                 {↽↽↽ eqn 1}

Multiplying it by 2 on both sides, we get,

      2D= 2*(1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8...... )

or, 2D = 2 + (1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8...... )                 {↽↽↽ eqn 2}

[replacing the terms after 2 in eqn 2 as D as both are eql, from eqn 1]

     2D = 2 + D

or, 2D = 2 + D

or, 2D - D = 2

or, D = 2

Here we get to know that the distance is limited and that may be the solution to the paradox.

The Grandfather Paradox

It is related to the concept of time travel. Suppose that a guy time travels past when his grandfather was young and kills him. Can he really do so? If he  goes in the past and kills his grandfather at young age, he couldn't get married and his father won't born which means the guy himself won't be born. If he himself doesn't born, he will have no future and that means he can't time travel and come to kill his grandfather.



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