Political Ideologies

Gajal Upreti

 Political Ideologies !

Let's get about different ideologies that the world has followed till the present:

Communism and Socialism

Communism is the ideology that says that all the property of the nation or system is of the public where each contributes and receives according to their needs and ability. The ideology of sociology is similar to communism but the difference is that communism involves creating an equal society through an authoritarian system that denies basic liberty. A sense of equality is seen in this concept. Countries like China, and Russia are following this ideology.

Democracy and Republic

Democracy is the system where the government is "of the people, by the people, and for the people". This system provides most of the rights and liberalism where the government is formed by the election where general people participate. A Republic state is a state where there is the complete elimination of monarchy. In the present context, most nations follow this ideology. Nepal is a federal democratic republic state.


Capitalism is the concept that says "from each according to his ability, to each according to his capital". It means in this ideology the one having the highest capital earns the highest profit. It supports privatization and less interference of government in capital-related matters which is exactly the opposite of communism. It is also seen in most parts of the world.


This system was mostly followed in the past when states were ruled by kings or monarchs. Liberty was not given much. It is the oldest system of running the state. Very less nations are being ruled under monarchy system.


Anarchism can be seen as an ideology against authority or the ruling system. It believes that government is harmful and not needed. The people who believe in this system are even against religion. It is against hierarchy. Now we can say that the ideology of anarchism is nearly extinct.

Fascism and Nazism

Fascism is a system of dictatorship. The state is ruled by a dictator where rights are suppressed and opposition is not allowed. It is the worst system. The system believes in a class-based society.  It was coined by Benito Mussolini for the first time. Nazism is a form of Fascism. The rule of  Hitler is Nazism. It existed between 1919 to 1945 in Europe.


Authoritarianism is the system in which extreme enforcement and advocacy of strict obedience to authority is done where there is a lack of personal freedom. It is exactly the opposite of anarchism. China can be categorized in the group following this ideology.



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