Lust, Attachment or Attraction ?

Gajal Upreti

The Triggering Hormones !

Want to know why our heart triggers?

- It's all about the game of hormones. Hormones are the chemical messenger in our body that trigger different activities resulting in smooth functioning of our body.

- These hormones are responsible for all the triggering:
  1. Oxytocin
  2. Dopamine
  3. Testosterone
  4. Adrenaline
  5. Endorphin
  6. Serotonin

Are lust, attraction, and attachment the same thing?

- Of course not, when we see or think of different people, different hormones are released in our body. Let's see the difference between lust, attraction, and attachment!

Testosterone (in the male) and Oestrogen (in females) are responsible for this feeling. Lust is the feeling of sexual desire.

DopamineSerotonin, and Norepinephrine are responsible for this feeling. Attraction is the feeling when we are impressed by any work, habit, attitude, or something of a person that makes us like them.
Oxytocin and Vasopressin (Cuddle hormones) are responsible for this feeling. Attachment is the feeling of when we truly start loving someone (not only loving their habits or attitude).

Let's know about these hormones in detail!


Oxytocin, also known as the cuddle hormone, is released when we fall in love or when we get excited by our partner. Oxytocin also helps in uterine contractions in labor & childbirth and stimulates contractions of breast tissues for breastfeeding after childbirth.

What happens if the body lacks Oxytocin?
- Difficulty achieving orgasm,
- Appetite (hunger) for sugary foods,
- Disturbance in the sleep cycle,
- Lack of joy from life,
- For a nursing mother, it hampers the milk-ejection reflex and prevents breastfeeding.

How can we increase the oxytocin level?
- Make touches such as hug, kiss, cuddling,
- Do yoga and meditation,
- Spend time with friends,
- Share feelings.


Dopamine, the pleasure hormone, gives us pleasure after doing tasks and works as a reward or motivation to do the same thing again. 

What happens if the body lacks dopamine?
- Feeling of tiredness,
- lack of motivation,
- Moody,
- Depression

How can we increase dopamine levels?
- Maintain a diet including protein-rich foods,
- Avoid fat,
- Complete sleep cycle,
- Meditate


Testosterone, the sex hormone in males, develops secondary sexual characteristics in males such as body hair growth, development of bones and muscles, and sexual arousal. They also help in fat distribution,
production of RBCs and sperm cells.

What happens if the body lacks testosterone?
- Lack of development of sexual characteristics,
- Lack of muscle strength and bone mass,
- Slow metabolism of body fat,
- Decrease in sperm count.

How can we increase testosterone levels?
- Weight lifting and strength workouts,
- Consume protein and carbs,
- Reduce stress,
- Get good quality sleep.


Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is produced by adrenal glands, which helps in fastening the heartbeat and makes the lungs breathe faster in situations like fight or flight. It helps to increase the energy in emergency situations.

What happens when the body lacks adrenaline?
- Lack of excitement,
- Feeling of stress,
- Slow response to things.

How can we increase the adrenaline level?
- Doing adventurous activities,
- Public speaking, 
- Watching thrillers and scary movies.


Endorphins are the hormones released during pain or stress to get relief from these things. They create a positive feeling.

What happens when the body lacks endorphin?
- Chances of depression,
- Quick mood swings,
- Easily get addicted to things.

How can we increase the endorphin level?
- Laugh,
- Listen to music,
- Exercise,
- Eat dark chocolate,
- Meditate.


Serotonin is a hormone that functions in maintaining mood, sexual desire, sleep, digestion, healing of wounds, blood clotting, etc.

What happens if our body lacks serotonin?
- Difficulty in sleeping,
- Anxiety,
- Signs of depression.

How can we increase serotonin levels?
- Regular exercise,
- Get more light,
- Proper diet including eggs, cheese, nuts, salmon, pineapple, etc.



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