The theory of evolution according to The Sanatana Dharma !

Gajal Upreti

The theory of evolution of life from Sanatana Dharma !

Most of us know that the theory of evolution was proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel in the nineteenth century that explains the gradual transformation of living beings from the simplest form to this complex form (Human Beings).

But what if I say the theory had been already proposed a very long time ago in our ancient scriptures, in our religion. 

Let's perspect how is the same theory mentioned in our Sanatana Dharma !

The theory of evolution is explained according to Sanatana Dharma !!!

" यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत ।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥ "

[Meaning: Lord Bishnu will come from ages to ages in the form of his avatars whenever virtue falls back and evil prevails, to establish virtue, to destroy evil. ]

The ten avatars of Lord Bishnu !

1. The Matsya Avatar ( Matsya: Fish )

Lord Vishnu took his first avatar 'Matsya' which was a fish and took back Vedas from a devil. According to Yajur Veda, A king named Manu saved a fish which was lord Vishnu but he was unaware of it. As king Manu saved the fish, the fish warned him about an upcoming destructive flood and suggested making a boat. The Matsya saved the king from drowning by tying the boat with its horn. At this time, when a devil named Hayagreevasura hide the Vedas inside the ocean, Lord Vishnu took back the four Vedas.
     So, the first avatar was of an aquatic animal and it is the same thing modern science says.

2. The Kurma Avatar ( Kurma ; Tortoise )

Lord Bishnu took his second avatar in the form of a tortoise to balance Mount Mandarah on his back during Samudra Manthan. Samudra Manthan is the story of the fight between Gods and Demons for Amrit. ( Amrit is the liquid that makes anybody immortal. ) Here, The Kshir Sagar (Ocean of Milk) was to be churned to get the Amrit and The Mount Mandarah was like the churning stick. To balance the mountain on its back, Lord Vishnu took his second avatar.
   This is the same thing Darwin's theory says as we know that aquatic life evolved into crawling animals that started living on lands. Here, the second avatar of Lord Vishnu resembles the same evolution as the tortoise, a primitive form of reptile.

3. The Varah Avatar ( Varah : Boar )

The Varah Avatar, the third avatar of Lord Vishnu resembles a boar to take out Earth outside Ocean. According to scriptures, A Demon named Hiranyksha drowned the whole Earth in water to trouble the Gods. At this time, a devotee couple Manu and his wife Shatarupa prayed to Lord Brahma to save them, But the problem was Lord Brahma had given a blessing to Hiranyksha that nobody can defeat him. Luckily Hianyksha didn't remember to call the name of the boar while taking blessings. So, Lord Vishnu took Varah Avatar, defeated the demon, and took the Earth out of Water. 
  We know the reptiles, later, evolved into mammals. The same thing is proven by the story as Lord Vishnu's third incarnation was a boar which is one of the eldest mammals.

4. The Narsimha Avatar ( Narsimha: A hybrid of Lion and Human )

The fourth avatar of Lord Vishnu is the Narsimha which he took to save his devotee named Prahlad from his father, Demon king Hiranyakashyapu. Hiranyakashyapu was the brother of Demon Hiranyksha. After knowing that Lord Vishnu killed his brother, he had determined to kill all the devotees of Lord Vishnu but when he got to know that his own son, Prahlad was a true devotee of Lord Vishnu, he thought to kill his son. He had the blessing that none could kill him neither in day nor in the night, neither human, god nor animal, neither in the land nor in the sky, neither inside nor outside the house. So, Lord Vishnu took Narasimha's avatar which resembles a man and lion. The Narsimha killed the demon at the point of dusk, such a time that was neither day nor time, at his lap, on the threshold of the demon's palace.
  The Narasimha avatar of Lord Vishnu depicts the development of mammals and resembles the gradual evolution of mammals as the processing stage of development of humans.

5. The Vamana Avatar ( Vamana: Dwarf person )

The fifth avatar, the Vamana avatar was in the form of a dwarf person. When demon king Mahabali captured the whole universe and made all gods almost powerless. Then Lord Vishnu incarnated as a holy dwarf person and went to Bali for begging. When Bali asked what Vamana wanted, Vamana made a wish for land that can cover his 3 steps. But suddenly when Bali granted his wish, Vamana increased his size enormously that his only two steps covered the Earth and Heaven. When Vamana asked Bali where can he put his third step, The Bali surrendered and told him to put the step on his head. Due to this generosity, Lord Vishnu made Bali the king of Patal Lok.
  So, the fifth avatar of Lord Vishnu clearly is in the form of a human especially resembling Homo Floresiensis [ Dwarf heightened humans ]. That's the beginning stage of the evolution of Human Beings.

Now the psychological and social evolution of humans is mentioned.

6. Lord Parshurama [ Parshu: Axe ]

Lord Parshurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was a very furious guy known for his axe and his immense anger. He was so furious that he even cut his mother's head because his father told him to do so without any emotion. He had finished the race of Kshatriyas 21 times because they used to abuse Brahmins.
  We can relate Lord Parshuram with the humans of the beginning stages when they had less emotional content and lived by hunting animals. His axe symbolizes this thing which is the theory of survival of the fittest.

7. Lord Rama

Maryada Purushottam Rama, the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu is known for his morals and values. The time of Lord Rama was the time when civilized societies were formed. People fought for their rights against the wrong thing. Where relationships matter. Lord Rama lived a very struggling life. He went for Vanvas (exile) for 14 years, fought against Demon Ravana to save Mata Sita, couldn't live with Mata Sita after saving her, was forced to exile her, and nearly unknowingly killed his sons.
   This avatar depicts the development of civilized society, morals, rules and regulations, relationships, etc. that explores the psychological aspect of Human Beings.

8. Lord Krishna
Sri Krishna, the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu, was believed to be the complete form of Lord Vishnu. The time of Lord Krishna was more advanced, his own brother Balaram had a plough as a weapon which represents the advancement of agriculture. He is always seen with animals in his childhood resembling animal husbandry. The political environment was created at that time. He is best known in the context of Mahabharat particularly for providing knowledge of Bhagwat Geeta.
The story of Lord Krishna teaches us many things. The Mahabharata represents the development of the characters of people. Lord Krishna depicts the Psychological evolution of Human Beings.
Lord Krishna represents the advancement of the human brain and its power.

9. Lord Gautama Buddha
Lord Buddha, the ninth incarnation was the one who explored the aspect of enlightenment of human beings. He was tired of all the physical world. So, he went to explore the new, the better aspect of living life. He got the vision of spirituality.
This avatar of Lord Vishnu depicts the need for spiritual knowledge and vision above the materialistic needs and desires. He depicts the need for control of emotions.

10. Lord Kalki
All the above avatars have already incarnated but the tenth avatar, Lord Kalki is supposed to appear at the time when humans are at peak of evilness. At that time, Lord Kalki will appear on a white horse with a sword and destroy all evilness and begin a new beautiful world.
Our ancient scriptures had already told the reality of the future as we can see the symptoms of this future everywhere. The morals, rules, relationships every good thing is being overcome by lust, hatred, and jealousy.

No matter these stories were real or myths but it surely proves that the theory of evolution is already mentioned in our scriptures and moreover, the psychological evolution of human beings is predicted. So, our Sanatana dharma is practical and scientific. We just aren't able to explore these things from a scientific view. 

So, let's try to know our dharma, let's try to know us !
Jay Shree Krishna, Jay Shree Ram !



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