Why and how masturbation harms ?

Gajal Upreti

"  Masturbation!!!  "

What is Masturbation ?


Masturbation is the method of sexual pleasure via stimulation of genitals with hands done by both males and females. It's the method of getting self-orgasm.

Who does it?

Masturbation is almost done by any gender of any age group but the term is mostly concerned with teens.
 Let's discuss the topic concerning teenagers, particularly males.

Masturbation for teenagers!

Why do teens masturbate?

- Teenage is the period when hormonal and emotional changes occur. It is a time of rapid development of sexual characteristics. Fluctuation of many hormones such as oxytocin, and testosterone(for males) occur. So at the time of exploring various body changes, they get to know about masturbation, and many start doing so.

How does masturbation work ?

- Masturbation is the stimulation of the genitals with hands. When a male masturbates, semen is released which contains sperm cells ( which are responsible for fertilization) and when a female masturbates, thick white liquid (not cervical fluid). Male releases generally more than females.

What happens inside the body during masturbation?

- For a female, they release white thick fluid (not cervical fluid) but for a male, it is a concerning topic.

Masturbation for teens(male) !!!

What happens inside a male body during masturbation?

- When a male masturbates, he releases semen which contains sperm cells. Sperm cells are formed in testes. For the production of sperm, the testes release a hormone named testosterone which is primarily responsible for the production of sperm cells and also the development of sexual characteristics and the development of bone mass, fat distribution strength, and production of RBCs.

Is it okay to masturbate?

- As suggested by medical science, It is okay to masturbate if you do it 2-3 times a week. But it only works hypothetically. Masturbation harms and here is the reason why it is so.

Below, I have presented the topic with scientific and practical data.


1. It's hard to avoid once you start!

We know masturbation gives us pleasure and orgasm and we want to do something more that gives us pleasure. It is because when we do such things, our body releases dopamine at a certain level. But the problem is when we do the same thing again, comparatively, our body releases less dopamine so we want to do more. That's the same reason for getting addicted to various things. And as it's a matter of orgasm, the same thing happens in higher amounts. So it's very hard to avoid once you start doing the thing. Another reason that increases your chance of addiction is teenage. Teenage is the time when you start bearing hormonal changes so, at this time, teenagers don't have emotional and mental control. They may get easily prone to these habits.

2. Its effect on the body if we do it more!

The main function of the testosterone hormone is the production of sperm. When you ejaculate one time, it approximately takes 1 day to form the same amount of sperm. It means the testosterone hormone, for a day, will be used to restore the sperm. Once you get addicted to it, you may even ejaculate 2-3 times per day. When you ejaculate more, more testosterone hormone will be needed to restore sperm cells. It means for the period, the development of bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass & strength, and production of RBCs will slow down as the hormone primarily focuses on the formation of sperms. All these processes, which are slowed down, affect your physical body.

    Although every teen must avoid it, It becomes mandatory if you are engaged in any activities where physical strength.

Besides these, it also has other negative impacts:

  •  Effects on mental health: It is obvious that we get addicted to anything that gives us pleasure and we know masturbation is a means of getting orgasm. Especially, for a teen, it is the period where he/she can't have emotional and mental control over their habits so at this time, if they start masturbation, they may get an addiction to this thing. They might also start watching pornography content for more pleasure which makes the situation even more dangerous. Watching pornography content creates imaginary thoughts about sexual activities and it may also make them involved in such activities in rare cases.
  • Feeling of guilt: Although we get pleased during masturbation, we also feel regret or have guilty feelings.
  • Getting weakness and fatigue: Our body relaxes after ejaculation. So, we feel tired and fatigued after doing the thing.

Even it has negative impacts on adults:

  • Early Ejaculation: Doing masturbation may make you ejaculate early during sex which affects the sexual pleasure of both partners.
  • Lack of interest in sexual activities: Many people may avoid or inhibit sexual activities with partners.

Let's Burst out some myths related to masturbation!

1. Doing masturbation increases height: This myth is totally wrong as height depends upon various factors but it is not related to masturbation at all.

2. Doing masturbation increases pimples: Like the first one, it is also totally wrong.

Why did people have this fake concept?

-The answer is pretty obvious. Most people start masturbating during their teenage and it is the same time when the growth of the body happens rapidly and pimples and other things are also seen at the same time. So, As these things coincide, people believe in these myths.

After reading this article, I think all of you got the point. So, let's avoid these things. Do not do these things and if you do, let's not.

Let's start a challenge!
" DO NOT FAP ! "




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