Bases of universe !

Gajal Upreti

Bases of the universe !

★ The Elementary Particles !

- Elementary or fundamental particles are the sub-atomic particles that are not composed of any further particles.

They are of four types:

  1. Quarks
  2. Leptons
  3. Scalar Bosons
  4. Vector Bosons (Gauge Bosons)

They are further divided into different types. Let's know them in brief !

  • Quarks: Quarks are the elementary particles that combine to form composite particles (hadrons, heaviest particles) that are protons and neutrons. They have electric charge, mass, spin, and color charge. They never isolate.

    Quarks are of 6 types:
    1. Up quark: Up quarks are the lightest quarks.

    2. Down quarks: Down quarks are the second lightest quarks.

    (Up and Down quark, together, form neutrons and protons.)

    3. Top quark: Top quark, the truth quark, is the heaviest elementary particle ( it derives mass by coupling with Higgs Boson.).

    4. Bottom quark: The bottom quark, the beauty quark, has low rates of transition to lower-mass quarks. It transit to charm or up quark after its decay.

    5. Strange quark: Strange quarks are the third lightest one. It is called strange because of its long lifetime. Particles containing this quark decay slowly only with the weak force.

    6. Charm quark: It is the third most massive quark that, along with leptons, forms building blocks of ordinary matters.

    All these quarks, also have their anti particles which have opposite charges and similar properties:
    1. Anti-up quark
    2. Anti-down quark
    3. Anti-top quark
    4. Anti-bottom quark
    5. Anti-strange quark
    6. Anti-charm quark

  • Leptons: Leptons are particles that respond only to the weak nuclear, electromagnetic force and gravitational force. They can carry either carry one unit charge or be neutral.

Leptons are of 6 types too:
1. Electron: They have the least charge. It is negatively charged and has a mass around 1/1836 of a proton/neutron.

2. Muon: Muons are similar to electrons but are heavier (200 times).

3. Tau: Tau is also similar but is approx. 3700 times heavier than an electron.

4. Electron neutrino: They have no charge and form the first generation of leptons with electrons.

5. Muon neutrino: They also have no charge and form the second generation of leptons with muons.

6. Tau neutrino: They too, have no charge and form the third generation of leptons with tau.

Like quarks, leptons also have anti particles that have opposite charges:
1. Positron (of electron)
2. Anti-muon 
3. Anti-Tau
4. Electron Anti-neutrino
5. Muon Anti-neutrino
6. Tau Anti-neutrino

  • Vector bosons (Gauge Boson): Vector bosons, bosonic elementary particles, act as the force carriers for elementary fermions ( particles having odd half-integer spin).

    They are of 4 types:

    1. Photons: Photons, the light particles, carry electromagnetic force. They don't have mass (because they travel at the speed of light.)

    2. Gluon: Gluon, the messenger particle, for the strong force between quarks, act as exchange particles.

    3. Z Boson: Z boson, a neutral elementary particle, carries weak force.

    4. W Boson: W Boson is electrically charged and changes the makeup of particles with Z Boson.
    ( Z and W Boson are together known as weak bosons as they carry weak force.)

  • Scalar boson: Scalar boson, Higgs Boson is a boson having spin equal to 0. This particle gives mass to other fundamental particles.

★ The Forces !

Force is the external agency that makes or tries to make anything change its position.

These are four basic forces that determine the interactions of particles: 
  1. Electromagnetic force
  2. Gravitational force
  3. Weak nuclear force
  4. Strong Nuclear Force

Let's get them in brief:
  • Gravitational Force: Gravitational force is the force that attracts every object with other objects in the universe. 

  • Weak nuclear force: Weak nuclear force plays the role of decaying unstable subatomic particles. It also initiates the nuclear fusion reaction that fuels stars. It changes the type of subatomic particle from one to another.

  • Electromagnetic force:  Electromagnetic force is the interaction between electrically charged particles. It governs all chemical processes arising from the interaction of electrons.

  • Strong nuclear force: Strong nuclear force helps to hadrons particles like proton, neutron, etc. by confining quarks. It also binds protons and neutrons to form atomic nuclei.

★ Anti-matter

- Anti-matter is the opposite of matter. Any matter is made up of atoms containing neutron, proton, and electron. Anti-matter has the same mass as matter but the charge and magnetic moment of proton and electron are opposite. Due to this, positron (electron of matter) has positive charge and anti-proton (proton of matter) has positive charge. Matter and Anti-matter cannot co-exist for even a fraction of a second. They annihilate (destroy) each other in contact releasing a large amount of energy in the form of gamma rays and elementary particles. It is supposed that in the time of the big bang, an equal quantity of anti-matter and matter might have formed but it is assumed that the quantity of anti-matter is decreased in the present. 
[Fun fact: Anti-matter is the most expensive thing in the world about fucking 62.5 trillion per gram ]

★ Dark Energy & Dark Matter ! (Hypothetical)

★ Dark Energy !

- Dark Energy is the unknown form of energy that exerts negative or repulsive pressure, like the opposite of gravity. This might be the reason of universe expanding with the speed of 74 km/s/Mpc which is faster than the speed of light and is continuously expanding. It makes up 72% of the total density of the universe.

★ Dark Matter !

- Dark Matter is a particle that does not interact with light which means it doesn't reflect, refract or absorb electromagnetic radiations. That's why we can't see it, we know it through gravity. It makes up to 30% of the total composition of the universe. It is supposed to be of two varieties: Baryonic (4.5%) and Non-baryonic (25.5%).



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